Dispensing Grace since ’58
At Mount Cross, whether you are a cradle Lutheran or new to the Christian faith, know that you as a whole person are welcome here — questions, complexities, and all.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Mount Cross have a confirmation program?
At Mount Cross we do have a confirmation program. We call it A, B, Not C, which stands for “Affirmation of Baptism, not confirmation”. It is a program spanning 7th, 8th, and 9th grades during which students are given an opportunity to explore who God is in their lives and are prepared to affirm the promises that were made to them in the waters of baptism.
Does Mount Cross serve their local community?
At Mount Cross we are committed to transforming the world locally and globally. Through our partnerships with local groups such as Families Unlimited and The Family Housing Network and globally through groups like Lutheran World relief, we seek to enable all people to not only survive, but to begin to thrive.
What does "Lutheran" mean?
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is a gift of God” Ephesians 2:8 This is the heart of what it means to be Lutheran. We believe that God's grace, which is God's undeserved and unmerited love, is a gift that God freely gives to all through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through God's gift of grace, we are set free from trying to save ourselves, so that we can be set free to generously love and serve our neighbors. Centered around the word and sacraments of baptism and holy communion, we are filled by God's Holy Spirit, to live out this faith filled life.
Does Mount Cross have a VBS program this summer?
We did not host a VBS program in 2022. However, if you'd like to get involved with planning or executing a VBS program during 2023 at Mount Cross, please contact the church office at office@mountcrosslutheran.org.
Does Mount Cross have opportunities for families?
Yes we do! Families are a vital part of the Mount Cross community and are welcome at all events. We also have special events catered specifically to families of all shapes and sizes. These include movie nights, board game afternoons, and opportunities to learn together as a family.
What are youth events like at Mount Cross?
For youth of all ages, Mount Cross hosts a variety of monthly events. Some of our past events have included Nerf Night, bowling, rock climbing, going to the movies, family board game nights, and serving at the local food bank. We also participate in synod wide retreats and gatherings to grow our faith alongside other local Lutheran youth.
For upcoming events, check out our calendar!
Is it okay for me to bring my young child with me to worship?
Children are always welcome in our worship services. We have coloring packs and books for them to enjoy during worship.